Harrington's Cozy
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C turn RH once round and cast off 1 place as 2C step up. 1C turn LH 1 1/2 to end 1W up between 2C facing 2M and 1M down between 3C facing 3W.
9-16 Reels of 3 across the set, 1C giving LS to 1st corners to begin. 1C end facing 1st corners.
17-24 1C dance corners pass and turn with 1st corners, pass RS to face 2nd corners, dance corners pass and turn with 2nd corners, and turn RH to end 1W facing down and 1M facing up in the center.
25-32 Reels of 3 across the set, 1C giving RS to 2nd corners to begin. 1C end in 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is Broadford Bay from A Skye Collection.
Our neighbors brought us a huge cat cozy that is very fluffy and which our elder cat Harrington has claimed for his own and in which he spends nearly all his time sleeping.