Great Big Sea
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cast and cross RH at 2nd place; 2C step up on bars 1-2. 1C cast behind 3C and lead up the center of the dance on opposite sides.
9-16 1C dance RH across with 2C, then LH across with 3C, ending facing 1st corners.
17-24 1C dance hello-goodbye setting with corners, on bars 23-24, 1C turn over RS to end facing out the ends of the set, 1W down and 1M up.
25-32 1C cast right and dance into the set through 2nd place on opposite sides, then turn RH to 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is Aileen's Reel from Dance to the Pipes.
I attended a Celtic concert at Ravinia with a group of Scottish Country Dancers and on the program was a group called Great Big Sea that played toe-tapping tunes. I wrote this dance while listening to them play.