The Gold Ring
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C , 2C, & 3C set. 1C & 3C turn RH ¾ to form a line up and down the set, women facing down. 1C & 3C dance a ½ reel of 4 up and down the dance.
9-16 3C & 1C turn RH ¾ to own sides. 3C, 2C, & 1C set and all chase halfway around the set CW. 1C end facing down in 1st place and 3C end facing up in 3rd place. All are on opposite sides.
17-24 1C & 3C change RH up and down the set. 3C, 2C, & 1C cross LH. 3C & 1C change RH up and down the set. All set. Order is 1, 2, 3 on own sides.
25-32 1C & 2C dance the knot.
Suggested music is Lady Lucy Ramsay from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.
This dance is in honor of Roy Goldring, who writes dances dancers love to dance.