Golden Glow
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C turn BH once round then pull RS back to face own sides. 1C and 2C turn 1½ to change places (RH on W's, LH on M's). 1C turn BH halfway then pull RS back to face 1st corners. (Count is either 2-4-2 or 3-3-2.)
9-16 1C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RS to face 2nd corners, dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, and pass RS to face 1st corners in diagonally opposite positions (3rd corner positions).
17-24 1C and 1st corners set then 1C dance RS around each other to end in the corner position behind them (1st corner positions) while 1st corners dance in and pull RS back to face the corner they came from. Repeat – 1st corners ending in original corner positions and 1C ending by pulling RS back to face 2nd corners in diagonally opposite positions (4th corner positions).
25-32 Repeat bars 17-24 with 2nd corners. 2nd corners ending in original corner positions and 1C ending by crossing RS to 2nd place on opposite sides. (Note: these bars are the figure found in the dance Best Set in the Hall.)
Suggested music is Down on Yon Bank from Heather Hills by Mara Shea and Dave Wiesler.
I named this dance for how our large maple tree in the front yard looked this year – in the sun the leaves glowed golden with a hint of red/rust on a few leaves.