Frozen Falls
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C cast off 1 place as 2C steps up. 1C dance in between 2C and 3C, dance down between 3C, cast up 1 place and set advancing pulling RS back to end in double triangles position.
9-16 1C dance double triangles while 2C and 3C set in double triangles position, chase 1 corner position CW, set in double triangles position, and chase 1 corner position CW. 1C end facing 1st corner positions; 2C and 3C end diagonally opposite from where they started the figure.
17-24 1C and the people in 1st corner position change places RH. 1st corners change places LH through the center. 1C and 1st corners change places RH. 1C turn LH to face 2nd corner positions.
25-32 1C and the people in 2nd corner position change places RH. 2nd corners change places LH through the center. 1C and 2nd corners change places RH. 1C turn LH to face out on own sides in 2nd place. (On the second repeat, old 1C cast off 1 place and new 1C cast off.)
Suggested music is Miller’s Crossing from The Devil’s Quandary.
This dance was inspired by a news story of Niagara Falls frozen over.