Friends from Overseas
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-4 1C set to each other, then lead down to 2nd place; 2C step up on bars 3 & 4.
5-8 1C & 3C dance RH across.
9-12 1W cast up behind 2W and dance in the top of the dance, while 1M dance up the middle of the dance and cast behind 2M.
13-16 2C & 1C dance LH across.
17-24 Reels of 3 on the sides, 1W give RS to 3W, 1M give RS to 3M; 1C end facing 1st corners. (As 1W dances in the top, she should curve to the left to approach 1M as if she were dancing in from the side in 2nd place. As 1W and 1M approach each other they pass LS to end facing 1st corners.)
25-32 Hello-goodbye setting to corners; 1C end in 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is Set of Jigs Jig for Jed, Pomander Jig, Throopmuir Croft, & Gordon’s Jig) from Neil Barron’s Music for Scottish Country Dancing.
This dance was written in honor of Maureen and Andrew Pettigrew, who came over from Scotland and brought much fun and a love of Scottish Country Dancing to the Silk and Thistle class.