The Freedom Rant
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cross RH and cast as 2C step up. 1C cross LH and cast left to end 1W up between 2C and 1M down between 3C.
9-16 Reels of 3 across the dance, 1C giving RS to 1st corners. 1C end where they started the reel, forming lines across the dance, 2C & 1W facing down and 3C & 1M facing up.
17-24 All cross RH up and down with person opposite and corners set, starting up and down and ending facing across, as 1C cast right into 2nd place on opposite sites. All cross RH across the set with partners, then all take hands on the sides and set.
25-32 1C dance diagonal rights and lefts with corners, 1W changing RH up with 3W to start as 1M changes RH down with 2M.
Suggested music is The Sprig of Ivy from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.
Written around the time of the July 4th holiday in honor of Independence Day. I chose a tune with pipes as I used to march in a pipe band and spent several July 4ths marching in parades to the sound of pipes.