Flying Blue Angels
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3 Couples
1-8 1C dance down to below 3C, cast up 1 place and turn LH to end LS to LS in the center, 1W above 1M. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-12 RH across, 1W with 2C and 1M with 3C.
13-16 1W followed by 2W and 2M pass 1M LS and dance to 3M’s place, across the set, and up to 2nd place while 1M followed by 3M and 3W pass 1W LS and dance to 2W’s place, across the set and down to 2nd place (snake pass figure). End 3, 1, 2. 1C end RS to RS in the center, 1M above 1W.
17-20 LH across, 1W down with 2C and 1M up with 3C.
21-24 1W followed by 2W and 2M pass 1M RS and dance to 2M’s place, across the set and down to 2nd place while 1M followed by 3M and 3W dance to 3W’s place, across the set and up to 2nd place (snake pass figure). End 2, 1, 3.
25-32 RS reels across, 1M up with 2C and 1W down with 3C.
Suggested music is The Restless Ghost from Ribble Valley SCD.
Love the idea of hands across into snake pass doubled – it feels like flying to me.