Flight of the Hawk
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Strathspey for 4C
Set Dance
1-8 1C and 4C cross into figures of 8 on the sides: 1W and 4W around 2M and 3M; 1M and 4M around 2W and 3W. 1C crosses first at meeting points and W cross inside partners when returning to place.
9-12 All cross RH and set.
13-16 Contra chase: 1W followed by 2W, 3W, and 4W dance up and across the top of the set and down the other side while 1M, followed by 2M, 3M, and 4M dance up and across the top of the set and down the other side. W's line dances below M's line.
17-24 4C and 3C, 2C and 1C dance half rights and lefts. 4C and 1C (middle) dance half rights and lefts while 3C and 2C cross RH.
25-32 All dance set and rotate for 4 couples: All set.
All pull RS back to cast to lines across the set, W down and M up.
All cross RH up and down the set with partners.
All chase CW 1/4 to lines on the sides of the set. Ending order is 2, 4, 1, 3.
Suggested music is Mr Gallamore's Strathspey from Moments in Time by Muriel Johnstone.
I was standing at my front door where the outer door is glass top to bottom and a very large bird flew by only a couple of feet away from the door. It flew into a nearby tree and perched so I was able to see it was a red-tailed hawk.