The First 100 Years
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3 Couples
1-8 First couple turns both hands once round, dances down between third couple and casts up and through second place to face first corners. Second couple steps up on bars 3-4.
9-16 First couple dances a half reel of four with first corners, passing right shoulders to face second corners. First couple dances a half reel of four with second corners, passing right shoulders to face first corners in diagonally opposite positions (partner’s first corner positions).
17-24 First couple dances set to corners and partner (hello-goodbye setting) with first corners and second corners (in diagonally opposite positions). On the last two bars, first couple dances a petronella turn to second place on partner’s side.
25-32 Third, first, and second couples dance set and link for three couples twice.
Suggested music is The Braes of Tulliemet from Thistle House Live.
This dance is written to celebrate George Whitehorne’s 100th birthday on September 2, 2015.