Families Together
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-4 1C, 2C, and 3C set and dance a petronella turn to form a line up and down the dance, women facing down and men facing up.
5-8 2C set and change places LH and end back to back (2M facing up and 2W facing down).
9-16 Reels of 4 up and down the dance, 1M and 2M, 2W and 3W dancing as one and changing leads on the ends of the reel. All end where they started the reel.
17-20 All set and dance a petronella turn to opposite sides (2C just dance to their right and curve into place).
21-24 3C and 2C (bottom 2 couples) change places RH on the Ws side and LH on the Ms side). 3C and 1C (top 2 couples) change places LH on the Ws side and RH on the Ms side. Order is 3, 1, 2.
25-32 Set and link for 3 couples twice.
Suggested music is Naischcombe Hill from 12 SCD by Mervyn Short by Green Ginger.
I really like the reel in Eileen Watt's reel and wanted to try something similar in strathspey time. This dance was written around Thanksgiving and a dancer in the class suggested a title similar to the one I chose.