Emerging Gold
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C set, dance down between 2C and 3C and cast up to 2nd place. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 2M and 3W change places RH. 2W and 3M change places LH. All cross RH with partners and set.
17-24 1C dance a figure of 8 on the sides dancing to their right and out the ends to begin.
25-32 Snowball grand chain, 3C at the top crossing RH to begin and all changes taking 2 bars.
Suggested music is Autumn Gold from Vallin Suite 4 by Colin Dewar.
2024 saw the emergence of 17-year cicadas in my area and the emergence of 13-year cicadas in some nearby areas. This was the first time since Thomas Jefferson was president in 1803 that both had emerged in the same year. I loved watching them fly through my backyard and even though their wings are actually orange, when the sun was on them they looked like gold.