Doug's Strathspey
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C cross by RH and cast to 2nd place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3 & 4. 1C cross by RH and turn right, 1W casting down around 3W, 1M casting up around 2M to end 1W between 3C facing up and 1M between 2C facing down.
9-16 1W with 3C and 1M with 2C set in lines across the dance, 1C cross by RH to end 1W between 2C facing down, 1M between 3C facing up, 1M with 3C and 1W with 2C set in lines across the dance, 1C turn BH halfway round then turn over RS to end in center of dance, 1W facing down and 1M facing up.
17-24 Eight bar reels on the sides of the dance, beginning with 1C giving LS to partner's 1st corner (1W with 3W, 1M with 2M), ending with 1C in 2nd place on own sides and 2W and 3M facing out.
25-28 2W and 3M dance CW halfway around the dance to end 3M in 1W's position, 2W in 3M's position WHILE 2M and 1M, 1W and 3W set on the sides of the dance, then dance RH across halfway.
29-32 Six hands round to the left halfway ending 2, 1, 3.
Suggested music is Birks of Invermay from Terpsichore by Elke Baker and Liz Donaldson.
This dance was written to showcase the strathspey setting in the 4th figure that Doug Jensen used in a class demonstration.