Double Ferris Wheel
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1M and 2M, 2W and 3W cross passing partners RS and cast 1 place, men down and women up. The 3 men at the bottom and the 3 women at the top dance RH across.
9-16 The 3 men at the bottom and the 3 women at the top dance LH across. 1C and 3C cross passing the person opposite LS and cast 1 place, 1C down and 3C up.
17-24 All set then 2W and 3M, 1W and 2M change places RH. All set then 2C and 1C (at the bottom) dance RH across halfway while 3C cross RH.
25-32 All chase CW halfway then turn partners RH once round.
Suggested music is Fiddlin' Round from The Devil's Quandary.
The figures in this dance remind me of a double Ferris wheel.