Dolphins at Play
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C dance down the middle and back up; 2C stepping up on bars 3 and 4. As 1C arrive at 2nd place, 1M lead 1W across in front of him to end 1C facing out the men’s side 1W leading with 1M right behind her.
9-16 1C dance a reel of 3 on the side with 2M & 3M, beginning by giving LS to 3M. As 1C reaches the ends of the reel, 1W & 1M change places. 1C end facing out the women’s side 1W leading with 1M right behind her.
17-24 1C dance a reel of 3 on the side with 2W & 3W, beginning by giving RS to 3W. As 1C reaches the ends of the reel, 1W & 1M change places. 1C end in 2nd places on their own sides, facing out.
25-32 1C turn 3C, 1W & 3W RH, 1M & 3M LH. 1C dance up the middle of the dance and turn 2C, 1W & 2W RH, 1M & 2M LH. 1C cast to 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is 8X32 Jigs (first tune The Sailor’s Wife) from First Stop by Waverley Station.