The Disappearing Cat
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C cross RH, cast off 1 place as 2C steps up, dance down between 3C, and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides.
9-10 2M & 1M, 1W & 3W (first diagonals) change places RH while 2W & 3M set.
11-12 2W & 3W, 2M & 3M (second diagonals) change places RH while 1C set.
13-14 1M & 3M, 2W & 1W (first diagonals) change places RH while 3W & 2M set.
15-16 3W & 1W, 1M & 2M (second diagonals) change places RH while 3M & 2W set.
17-20 3C & 1W (top), 2C & 1M (bottom) dance RH across one additional position around the triangle so 1C ends in 2nd place. Ending order is 3, 1, 2 all on opposite sides.
21-24 All turn partners once round BH.
25-32 All dance set & link for 3 couples twice.
Suggested music is Bonnie Stronshiray from Ghillies on the Golden Gate.
The figure in bars 9-16 is a figure taken from the dance Seann Truibhas Willichan expanded to 3 couples. The people who end up in 2nd place have to be awake for this figure.
The name of the dance comes from when one of our cats disappeared in the house> for several days. We nearly went crazy trying to find him until one day he just appeared. We are very glad to have him back.