The Dark Is Rising
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C and 3C dance a double figure of 8 around 2C, 1C crossing down to begin.
9-12 1C and 2C take hands on the sides and set then 1W casts off 1 place while 2M casts up 1 place while 1M and 2W turn RH 3/4.
13-16 2C and 1C RH across.
17-24 LS reels of 3 on the sides, 1C passing 3C LS to begin and end facing 1st corners.
25-32 1C dance set to corner and partner (hello-goodbye setting, ending by dancing a petronella turn to 2nd place on own sides on the last 2 bars.
Suggested music is Scotch Circle from Just As It Was I by Alasdair Fraser and Muriel Johnstone.
About the days getting shorter and honoring a favorite fantasy series by Susan Cooper.