The Custom Builder (aka Uncle George)
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C turn RH ( 2 bars), cast 1 place, and turn LH (4 bars) to end 1W facing 2M, 1M right behind her. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-12 1C dance a half RS reel with 1st corners, swapping places as they round the end of the loop; 1M end facing 3M, 1W right behind him.
13-16 1C dance a half LS reel with 2nd corners, swapping places as they round the end of the loop; 1W end facing 2M in 3W's position, 1M right behind her.
17-20 1C dance a half RS reel with 1st corners, swapping places as they round the end of the loop; 1M end facing 3M in 2W's position, 1W right behind him.
21-24 1C dance a half LS reel with 2nd corners, swapping places as they round the end of the loop; 1C end in the center of the set in 2nd place facing down, nearer hands joined.
25-32 1C dance down between 3C, cast up behind 3C to 2nd place, dance up between 2C, and cast behind 2C to 2nd place on own sides.
Note that in bars 9-24 1C is dancing full reels on the sides while corners are dancing half diagonal reels.
Suggested music is Flights of Fancy from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.
I wrote this dance on 9/7/2010 – the day I heard that my Uncle George had died at age 86 that morning. This dance is in his honor. My Uncle George was a custom home builder in New Jersey.