Crabs Walk Sideways
by Sue McKinnell 5x32 Jig for 5C
Set Dance
1-8 1C and 3C cross RH, cast off 1 place as 2C and 4C step up, and dance a half figure of 8 up around 2C/4C.
9-16 2W followed by 2M cast off 2 places and into 3rd place on opposite sides then dance RH across with 1C while 4M followed by 4W cast off 2 places and into 5th place on opposite sides then dance LH across with 3C while 5W followed by 5M cast up 4 places and into 1st place on opposite sides (6 bars) then set turning to face W's side.
17-24 Repeat from new positions. End 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 all facing in.
25-32 All advance and retire than dance back to back with partners.
Suggested music is Pantomime Horse from The Sunday Class Christmas.
When I mentioned that The Sunday Class CD had several tracks of non-8 times repeats, Mady asked me to write a dance for the 5 times through jig. I came up with this dance but struggled for a title. Then Tommy Smothers died and I named the dance in honor of him and for one of my favorite bits he and Dick did.