The Corkscrew
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1W & 2M set advancing, taking left hands, and take right hands with partners to form a diagonal line. All balance in line. 1W & 2M drop hands and dance out opposite sides of the dance, casting around partners back to original places.
9-16 1C & 2C RH across. 1C cast to 2nd place as 2C lead up. 2C, 1C & 3C take hands on the sides and set.
17-24 1M & 3W set advancing, taking right hands, and take left hands with partners to form a diagonal line. All balance in line. 1M & 3W drop hands and dance out opposite sides of the dance, casting around partners back to original places.
25-32 1C & 3C LH across. 1C turn LH once round, ending on own sides in 2nd place.
Suggested music is The Muirs of Graywell from Reel Friends.