The Cloverleaf Reel
by Sue McKinnell 4X32 Strathspey
4 couple set dance
1-8 3C & 4C start the dance crossed over.
1C cross RH, cast as 2C step up, and dance a half figure of eight up around 2C. Similarly, 4C cross RH, cast up one place as 3C step down, and dance a half figure of eight down around 3C.
9-16 With 1W & 4M, 4W & 1M dancing as one, 1C & 4C dance a diagonal reel of four with 2M & 3W, 1W + 4M giving RS to 2M to start, 4W + 1M giving RS to 3W to start. As the pairs round the ends of the reel, they change places so the men lead the second half of the reel. At the end of the reel, the pairs pass RS to end 1W + 4M facing 3M, 4W + 1M facing 3W.
17-24 1C & 4C dance a diagonal reel of four with 3M & 2W, changing places as they round the ends of the reel. At the end of the reel, 1W leads 4M to the women’s side of the dance as 4W leads 1M to the men’s side of the dance. Ending order is 2, 4, 1, 3 with 3C & 4C crossed over.
25-28 4C & 1C right hands across.
29-32 4C cross up between 2C and cast to 2nd place on own sides as 1C cross down between 3C and cast to 3rd place on opposite sides.
Repeat 4 times.
Suggested music is Fill the Fetters from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.