Circle of Steel
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cast off 1 place, dance down between 3C, cast up to 2nd place and pass LS to face 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 1-2.
9-12 1C turn 1st corners RH once round then turn partner LH to face 2nd corners.
13-16 1C and 2nd corners dance a half diagonal reel of 4. As 1C approach each other, they pull RS back to face 2nd corner position.
17-20 1C turn person in 2nd corner position RH once round the turn partner LH to face 1st corners.
21-24 1C and 1st corners dance a half diagonal reel of 4. As 1C approach each other, they pull RS back to face 1st corner positions.
25-28 1W and 3C (top), 1M and 2C (bottom) dance RH across. 1C end in 2nd place on opposite sides.
29-32 All chase CW halfway to end 2, 1, 3.
Suggested music is The Reel of the Gordon Highlanders from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.
Named for a favorite Gordon Lightfoot song.