Cinnamon Swirl
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1W & 2W, giving left hands and letting 1W cross first, cross between partners and dance back to other’s place (1W to 2W’s place, 2W to 1W’s place). 1C & 2C right hands across (1W must curve back in to meet the other dancers).
9-16 1M & 2M, giving right hands and letting 1M cross first, cross between partners and dance back to other’s place (1M must curve back in to meet the other dancers). 2C & 1C left hands across.
17-24 1C, followed by 2C, dance down the center of the set, cross below 3C, and cast up opposite sides. On the last two bars, 1C & 2C turn partners into promenade hold facing up.
25-32 1C & 2C allemande.
Suggested music is The Shuttle Bus from Terpsichore by Elke Baker and Liz Donaldson.
This dance honors my red tabby cat, Cinnamon, who has weathered many diseases and is currently doing well at 17 years of age!