Chocolate Chip Double Triangles
by Sue McKinnell 5x32 Jig for 5C
Set Dance
1-8 1C and 3C set, cross RH, cast off 1 place as 2C and 4C step up. 1C and 3C set advancing pulling RS back to end in double triangles positions facing opposite sides.
9-16 All dance double triangles, 1C and 3C end facing 1st corners.
17-24 1C and 3C dance corners pass and turn with 1st corners, pass partner RS to face 2nd corners, dance corners pass and turn with 2nd corners, and pass RS to 2nd/4th place on own sides.
25-32 1C set and cast off 1 place as 4C and 5C step up. All turn partners RH once round.
Suggested music is The Exciseman from The Skye Collection.
The Milwaukee Halloween dance program this year had a lot of dances with double triangles and the potluck afterward had a lot of desserts with chocolate chips.