Cat Play
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1W followed by 1M cast off 2 places, cross below 3C, cast up behind 3M and cross in 2nd place to own sides. 1W end facing out. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-12 1C and 3C RH across. 1W end facing out.
13-16 1C and 2C LH across. 1W end facing out.
17-24 6-bar RS reels on the sides, 1C passing 3C RS to start. On the last 2 bars, as 1W comes into the set from the top and 1M comes into the set from the side, 1C turn LH to face 1st corners.
25-32 1C dance corner pass and turn with 1st corners, pass RS to face 2nd corners and dance corner pass and turn with 2nd corners, passing RS to 2nd place on own sides. 1W end facing out.
Suggested music is Ye’re Welcome Charlie Stuart from Just As It Was 2 by Alasdair Fraser and Muriel Johnstone.
The figures in this dance remind me of our cats at play.