A Carpet of Bluebells
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C cast off behind own lines and cast back up to place.
9-16 Crossover mirror reels of 3 on the sides, 1C crossing down to begin.
17-20 2C followed by 3C dance up and cast off. End 132 with 1C on opposite side.
21-24 3C followed by 1C dance down between 2C and cast up. End 312 with 1C on opposite side.
25-32 Snowball grand chain. 2C cross RH to begin. Each change takes 2 bars. End 213.
Suggested music is It's About Time from Moments in Time by Muriel Johnstone's Band.
Years ago my neighbor gave me some Virginia bluebells for my yard and over the years they have spread to cover the front and back yards. I love their beautiful blooms every Spring.