Canadian Roots
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C dance a slow cast off 1 place and end facing 1st corners with LH joined. 2C step up on bars 3-4. 1C set to 1st corners turning toward each other on the second setting step to face partner's 1st corner and set again.
9-16 1C dance out own sides and left around partner's 2nd corner to dance in the ends to face 2nd corners with LH joined. 1C set to 2nd corners turning toward each other on the second setting step to face partner's 2nd corner and set again.
17-24 1C dance a half reel of 4 with 2nd corners, 1C passing partner's 2nd corner RS to begin. 1C pass RS to face own 1st corners and dance a half reel of 4 with 1st corners. 1W end up between 3C and 1M end down between 2C – all facing CW.
25-28 All chase CW halfway.
29-32 1C turn RH to 2nd place on own sides. (1C can do this turn however they prefer; in my class some did a 1 3/4 turn, some did a 3/4 turn, some turned 3/4 and pulled RS back to curl out to place, and some birled.)
Suggested music is The Three Creeks Shore from Aye Afloat.
July 1st being Canada Day reminded me that I have Canadian roots (my paternal grandfather was born in Alberta and his parents ranched there).