The Butter Churn
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cross, cast behind 2C, and dance a ½ figure of 8; 1W down through 3C, 1M up through 2C to meet in the center of the dance and turn LH ½ way; 2C step up on 3-4.
9-12 1W & 3C, 1M & 2C dance 2 bars of RH across to put 3W & 2M in the center; 3W & 2M change places LH.
13-16 3W, 2W & 1M (at top), 2M, 3M & 1W (at bottom) dance 2 bars of RH across to put 2W & 3M in center; 2W & 3M change places LH.
17-20 2M, 2W & 1W (at bottom), 3M, 3W & 1M (at top) dance 2 bars of RH across to put 1C in the center; 1C turn LH to end 1W facing down and 1M facing up.
21-24 1C dance out the ends of the dance and cast left to end in 2nd places on own sides.
25-32 Diagonal right and lefts, beginning 1W up and 1M down.
Suggested music is The Fireside Reel from Memories of a Scottish Weekend.
This dance was inspired by dancing Barry Skelton's dance The Celtic Reel.