Breakers on the Shore
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3 Couples
1-4 1C cast off 1 place as 2C steps up. 1C set advancing to the center to end, both hands joined, in a diagonal line with 1W back-to-back with 3M (as after the 1st bar in a poussette right round). 3C step in on bar 4.
5-8 1C and 3C dance a half diamond poussette, 1C ending in 3rd place and 3C remaining in the center as 2C steps in on bar 8.
9-12 2C and 3C dance a half diamond poussette, 3C ending in 1st place and 2C remaining in the center as 1C steps in on bar 12.
13-16 2C and 1C dance a half diamond poussette, 1C ending in 2nd place and 2C ending in 3rd place.
17-20 1W with 2C (in 3rd place) and 1M with 3C (in 1st place) dance LH across.
21-24 1C set and turn RH to end facing out on own sides.
25-32 3C, 1C, and 2C dance a chaperoned chain progression:
25-26 3C and 2C turn ¾ to end RS to RS with partners in a line up and down the center of the set while 1C dance CW a quarter of way around the set.
27-30 3C and 2C drop hands with partners and 1W and 2M, 1M and 3W take promenade hold and dance halfway around the set (to the other end) while 2W and 3M turn 1½ LH to change places.
31-32 32C and 3C turn partners ¾ to own sides while 1C dance a quarter of the way around the set to 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is Lady Lucy Ramsay from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.
This dance occurred as I tried to envision a 3-couples poussette. It isn’t that, but the figures remind me of waves on the shore.