Arches and Angles
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Reel for 3C
1-4 1C, taking nearer hands, set to 2W, then make an arch and dance to 2nd place as 2W dances under the arch to 1st place.
5-8 1C repeat bars 1-4 with 3W; 3W ends in 2nd place.
9-12 1C & 3M set to each other, then dance RH across ½ way; 3M complete the turn to end in 3rd place.
13-16 1C & 2M dance LH across once round; 1W dance across and 1M turn right about to end in the center of the dance back-to-back in 2nd place facing own sides. 2M end in 1st place; 3W step down on bar 16.
17-24 2C, 1C, & 3C dance double triangles; 1C end in the center of the dance in 2nd place facing down with 1W on her partner's left.
25-28 1C dance down between 3C, who make an arch; 1C cast up behind 3C and into the center of the dance through 2nd positions to end in 2nd position in the center facing up, 1W on her partner's right.
29-32 1C dance up between 2C, who make an arch; 1C cast down behind 2C into 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is Wind that Shakes the Barley from Muckle Carfuffle.