April Fool
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Jig for 3C
1-4 1C cross down to face out opposite sides in 2nd place; 2C stepping up immediately. 2C, 1C, & 3C set as in double triangles.
5-8 1C cast behind 1st corners and in the ends of the set, pulling RS back to end back to back, 1W facing up and 1M facing down.
9-12 1W & 2C, 1M & 3C dance four bars of inverting double triangles up and down the dance.
13-16 1C cross RH and cast right to end in 2nd places on opposite sides WHILE 2C & 3C set turning to face CW, then chase one place around the outside of the set (2W to 3W place, 3M to 2M place).
17-20 1C cross RH and cast right to end 1W between 3C position facing up and 1M between 2C position facing down WHILE 2C & 3C set and chase one position CW to end 3C in 1st position and 2C in 3rd position, both on opposite sides.
21-24 1C dance LS to LS into half diagonal reel of four with 2nd corners (who are in positions diagonally opposite from original positions). 1C end facing 1st corners, who are in positions diagonally opposite from original positions.
25-28 1C dance half diagonal reel of four with 1st corners, ending back to back facing own sides in 2nd position.
29-32 2C, 1C, and 3C set as in double triangles, then 1C set advancing into 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is The Starry Eyed Lassie from Miss Ogilvie’s Fancy by Green Ginger.