Angels with Whiskers
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C cast off 1 place as 2C step up. 1C dance a half figure of 8 up around 2C then cross RH to own side.
9-16 2C and 3C dance petronella turns to form a line up and down the set. 2C and 3C set then dance a half reel of 4 up and down.
17-24 1C dance petronella turns to end 1W up between 3C facing down and 1M down between 2C facing up. All three couples set then 1W, 3W, 2M, and 1M (the four middle dancers) dance a half reel of 4 up and down. On the last bar, 3M at the top turn to face up and 2W at the bottom turn to face down. End with all three men at the top facing up in the order 312 and all three women at the bottom facing down in the order 312.
25-32 Women dance up the men's side while men dance down the women's side. All set and cross RH with partners.
Suggested music is Bonnie Ina Campbell from Taylor and Imbrie Live.
Those who know me know this refers to cats, but it can refer to any pet as they are all angels. I liked the reel in Eileen Watt's Reel – this is a variation of it.