Alberta Arts
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Jig for 3C
1-6 1W, 2W, and 3W advance, retire, and set while 1M, 2M, and 3M set, advance, and retire.
7-8 1C and 3C turn halfway RH to end in the center, 1C facing down and 3C facing up while 2C cross RH and face out.
9-12 Mirror reels of 3 on the sides halfway, 1C in and down to begin.
13-16 1C turn 2C 1½ times to change positions, LH on the men’s side and RH on the women’s sides. 1C end facing 1st corner positions.
17-24 1C dance set to corner and partner (hello-goodbye setting). On the last 2 bars 1C dance a petronella turn to 2nd place on own sides.
25-32 1C dance diagonal rights and lefts, 1W crossing up and 1M crossing down to begin.
Suggested music is A Kiss for Nothing from RSCDS Book 13.
This dance is named for a colorway of yarn given to me this past Christmas. Also, my grandfather was born in Alberta, Canada.