After Only 5 Minutes
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Jig for 3C
1-8 1C set and cross RH. 1C and 2C set and cross LH.
9-16 1C and 2C dance ladies’ chain.
17-24 2C cross down between 3C and cast up to 2nd place. 2C turn 1C 1½ to change places, LH on the men’s side and RH on the women’s side (2C going between 1C to begin).
25-32 2C, 1C, and 3C advance and retire then turn partners RH once round.
Suggested music is A Wee Nothin’ from Many Happy Returns.
Every night within 5 minutes of my going to bed my cat, Christopher, jumps up and lays down on my left arm and stays there most of the night.