by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C turn RH once round then cast off 1 place, dance down between 3C and cast up to 2nd place on own sides. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 1W with 2C and 1M with 3C RH across then pass RS into LH across at the other end. 1C end facing 1st corners.
17-24 1C set to and turn corners ending by turning LH to end 1W facing up and 1M facing down back-to-back in the center.
25-32 Reels across the set, 1C giving LS to 1st corners to begin and ending in 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is The Fireside Reel from Memories of Scottish Weekend.
As I wrote this dance I thought of a spinning top. Topspin sounded better.