The Tom Senior Reel
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Reel for 4C
(Set Dance)
1-8 1C & 2C take hands on the sides and set to partners. 1C & 2C dance RH across once round. On bars 7 & 8, 1C cast to 2nd place while 2C dance up to 1st place.
9-16 Mirror reels of 4 on the sides of the dance, beginning 1C dancing in and down (1W give LS to 3W; 1M give RS to 3M), 2C dancing out and down, 3C dancing out and up, 4C dancing in and up.
17-18 1C and 3C continue the reel for 2 more bars, 1C dance down to 3rd place while 3C dance out and up to 2nd place.
19-20 1C turn RH to face new 1st corners (1W face 3M; 1M face 4W).
21-24 1C set to and turn 1st corners BH, ending facing new 2nd corners (1W face 4M; 1M face 3W).
25-28 1C set to and turn 2nd corners BH, ending in 3rd place on opposite sides.
29-32 1C cross and cast to 4th place, 4C step up on bars 31 & 32.
Repeat 4 times.
Suggested music is Musselburgh Reel by Ian McPhail on Bonnie Old Scotland, Vol. 2.
Tom Senior asked me to write a dance with mirror reels of four as he knows of no dance with such a figure. When my local class danced this we realized that how the first couple crosses in bars 29-30 depends on how actively they set to and turn their second corners; thus, I have removed any designation there to allow people to pass whichever shoulder "works."