Pussy Footin’ Around
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1M turns 1W RH to end 1M in 2M’s place and 1W in original place; 2M steps up on bars 1-2. 1W turns 2M LH to end 1W in 2W’s place and 2M in 1M’s place while 1M changes places LH with 3M. 2W steps up on bars 3-4. 1W changes places RH with 3W. 1C lead up to face 1st corners as 3C step down.
9-16 1C set to and turn corners ending 1W facing up and 1M facing down in the center of the dance.
17-23 Six-bar reels on the sides of the dance, 1C giving LS to 1st corners to start. On the last 2 bars, 1C turn RH to face 1st corners.
25-32 1C dance corners pass and turn with corners.
Suggested music is The Sprig of Ivy from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.