Perpetual Motion
by Sue McKinnell 8x32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C & 3C turn RH ¾ to end in a line up and down the set, W facing down; M facing up. 1C & 3C dance a ½ reel of 4 up and down the set. 1C & 3C turn LH ¾ to end on opposite sides; 1C in 3rd place, 3C in 1st place.
9-16 1C & 2C dance ladies' chain across and back.
17-20 1M followed by 1W & 3W followed by 3M dance ½ way CCW around the set to end in original places.
21-24 1M cast behind 2M and into the center of the dance in 2nd place while 1W dance down between 2C and turn left about; 2C step up immediately. 1C turn LH once round to face 1st corners.
25-32 1C turn 1st corners RH, pass RS in the center of the dance to face 2nd corners; turn 2nd corners RH, and pass RS across the dance to end on own sides in 2nd place.
Suggested music is Delvine Side from Ghillies on the Golden Gate.