Mirror, Mirror
by Sue McKinnell 5X32 Reel for 5C
Set Dance
1-4 1C, 2C, 3C ½ mirror reels of 3 on sides, 1C dancing in and down to start.
5-8 1C turn RH once round while 3W & 2W turn LH 1½ while 3M & 2M turn RH 1½.
9-16 1C, 4C, 5C crossover mirror reels of 3, 1C crossing down to 4th place to start.
17-24 2C, 3C, 1C crossover mirror reels of 3, 1C crossing up to 2nd place to start.
25-28 1C turn RH once round while 4W & 5W turn RH 1½ while 4M & 5M turn LH 1½.
29-32 1C, 5C, 4C ½ mirror reels of 3 on sides, 1C dancing in and down to start. Ending order is 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.
Repeat 5 times.
Suggested music is 5x32 Reels from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.