The Midnight Crazies
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-4 1C, 2C, & 3C set and cross RH with partners. 1C & 2C end facing up and down the set.
5-8 1W & 2W, 1M & 2M set and turn BH with pas de basque to end with 1C back-to-back between 2C; 1W facing 2W, 1M facing 2M.
9-16 1C & 2C dance a reel of four across the dance, 2C ending in 1st place and 1C ending in 2nd place, 1W facing down and 1M facing up. Order is now 2, 1, 3 - all on opposite sides.
17-24 All chase CCW halfway around the set. 1C turn LH once round while 3C & 2C set and cross LH with partners.
25-32 Diagonal rights and lefts, 1W crossing up and 1M crossing down to start.
Suggested music is Shetland Reel Set from The Music Makars.
This dance was inspired by the antics of our cats: about the time we’re ready to go to bed, they decide to bounce off the walls!