Lady Mairi’s Dream
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Reel for 3C
1-8 1C cross RH and cast off 1 place as 2C step up. 2C and 1C dance a half ladies' chain ending in promenade hold with partners on the sides of the dance (1C on women's side and 2C on men's side).
Bar 91C and 2C step in to the center to end men LS to LS, 1C facing the men's side and 2C facing the women's side.
Bars 10-11All dance, men LS to LS, to change places. All end facing partners in a line up and down the set (order from the top is: 2W, 2M, 1M, 1W with 2M and 1M back to back).
Bar 121C change places LH while 2C change places RH to end with the women side by side facing the men's side and the men on the outside of the line facing the women's side and retaining the hands they changed places with partners with.
Bars 13-162C turn 1¼ to end in 1st place on own sides while 1C turn once round to face each other, then pull LS back to face 1st corners.
17-32 1C dance 4 half diagonal reels with corners:
Bars 17-201C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, passing RS to face 2nd corners.
Bars 21-241C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, passing RS to face 1st corners in partner's 1st corner position.
Bars 25-281C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, passing RS to face 2nd corners in partner's 2nd corner position.
Bars 29-321C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, ending in 2nd place on own sides.
Suggested music is Long Pond Reel from Terpsichore.
I wanted to try a dance with a quicktime tournée and also wanted to try the 'old way' of performing bar 4 in the tournée. This dance combines figures from Lady McGowan's Dream and Mairi's Wedding.