Knot Square aka Doug’s 70th
by Sue McKinnell 1X96 Strathspey for 4 couples
Square Dance
1-8 1C & 3C take nearer hands with partners and set advancing to form a circle and circle once round to the left (4 bars). 1C & 3C cast away from partners to original places.
9-16 1C & 3C dance the square knot:
9-10 1C & 3C turn partners into allemande hold facing in.
11-12 1C & 3C dance across the set, men passing LS to LS.
13-14 Men lead partners LH across the set to original sides, man dancing in place (as in bars 5-6 of the knot).
15-16 1W & 3W turn RH to original places while 1M & 3M dance across the set to original places.
17-32 2C & 4C repeat bars 1-16.
33-40 All dance a grand chain all the way around the set, taking 1 bar per pass and beginning by giving partner RH.
41-48 All set to partners and turn them BH, turning away to face corners. All set to corners and turn them BH, turning away to face partners.
49-56 All dance interlocking reels of four, passing partners’ right shoulder to start.
57-64 All women RHA, ending by taking nearer hands with partners to form a spoked wheel formation, then dropping RH in the center. All set and link with partners, to end with the men in the center LH joined and the women in original places.
65-72 All men LHA, ending by taking nearer hands with partners to form a spoked wheel formation, then dropping LH in the center. All set and link with partners to end in original places, men facing in and women facing out.
73-88 All dance Schiehallion reels, ending by turning partners into promenade hold facing CCW.
89-96 All promenade once around the set.
This dance is written for Doug Jensen, in honor of his 70th birthday October 18, 2010.
Suggested music is the original music written for it or The Dream Catcher from Book 45