Knot Cross
by Sue McKinnell 8X32 Strathspey for 3C
1-8 1C set, lead down below 3C, cross, and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
9-16 2C, 1C, & 3C dance a circulating knot, all setting on the sides in the last 2 bars rather than turning to own sides. (In a circulating knot, 2C & 3C dance as if positions 1 and 3 in a 3-couple knot; 1C turn to face up and dance as if in position 2 in a 3-couple knot dancing up rather than down.)
17-24 1C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, who start in diagonally opposite positions, then dance around each other RS into a half diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, who start in diagonally opposite positions.
25-32 Circle 6 hands round and back.
Suggested music is Strathglass House from Delaware Valley Spring Ball.