The Four-poster Jig
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Jig 4C
(Set Dance)
1-4 1C & 2C, 3C & 4C RH across.
5-8 All set, then 1W cross down, 4M cross up to end back to back in double triangles position WHILE 1M & 4W dance across their ends of the set. 2C & 3C move a little toward the ends of the set to make room.
9-16 1W & 2M & 3M, 4M & 2W & 3W dance inverting double triangles WHILE 1M casts down the women’s side, across the bottom of the set and up the men’s side WHILE 4W casts up the men’s side, across the top of the set, and down the women’s side. On bars 15-16, 1W & 4M do not complete inverting double triangles, but turn RH with partners into promenade hold, 1C facing down between 2M & 3M, 4C facing up between 2W & 3W.
17-24 1C & 3M & 2M, 4C & 2W & 3W dance RS reels of 3 on the sides of the dance. End 2, 1, 4, 3 with 1C on opposite sides.
25-28 1C & 4C set, then 1C cross down to 3rd place WHILE 4C dance up to 2nd place.
29-32 4C & 1C LH across.
Repeat 4 times.
Suggested music is Susan’s Jig Set from The Music Makars. (I actually was hearing The Moudiewort from Muckle Carfuffle while this dance occurred to me, but it is 8 times through.).