Durham Bound
by Sue McKinnell 2X64 Reel for 4C
in a square set
  Square Set
1-8 All women dance a figure of eight, beginning by passing partners left shoulder and dancing right shoulder around the next man clockwise around the set.
9-16 All men dance a figure of eight, beginning by passing partners right shoulder and dancing left shoulder around the next woman counterclockwise around the set.
17-24 All dance interlocking rights and left. 1C & 3C cross right hand to start WHILE 2C & 4C change places with partners by the right hand.
25-28 1C & 3C dance a half ladies chain.
29-32 1W followed by 3M and 3W followed by 1M dance counterclockwise around the set to end 1W on the right hand side of 2nd couple position, 3M on the left hand side of 2nd couple position, 3W on the right hand side of 4th couple position, and 1M on the left hand side of 4th couple position WHILE 2C & 4C change places with partners by the right hand, then 2W & 4W cross by the left hand, forming a rectangular set in the order 1, 2, 4, and 3 with 2C and 3C on opposite sides.
  Rectangular Set
33-40 All set, cross by the right hand with partners, set, and turn by the right into promenade hold, 1C and 4C facing up, 2C and 3C facing down.
41-48 All dance as if dancing a three-couple allemande (with a missing second couple). End in the order 4, 3, 1, and 2 with 2C and 3C on opposite sides.
49-56 All set. 4C & 2C change places by the right hand with partners WHILE 1C & 3C dance right hands across 5/4 to end progressed one position clockwise.
57-64 All circle 8 hands round and back, ending in a square set in the order 4, 3, 2, 1.
Repeat from new positions.
Suggested music is Cumberland Square from The Macadians Play Burns Night in the Annapolis Valley. (This is the only 2X64 reel I have in my collection, but it seems to work well. I also noticed that 4X32 reels work as well, in particular Alloway Kirk Rant from the same CD.)
This dance is written for Maureen and Andrew Pettigrew who are leaving our dance group and moving to Durham, North Carolina.