Doug’s 7-0 Reel
by Sue McKinnell 1X96 Reel for 4C
Square Dance
1-8 All women RHA, then pull RS back to face partners. All set and turn partners RH to put men in the center, LH joined.
9-16 All men LHA, then M dance RS around partners to original places.
17-24 All advance to the center, nearer hands joined with partners and take hands in a circle. All drop hands with partners and retire with corners. All women dance RS around corners.
25-32 All advance to the center, nearer hands joined with corners and take hands in a circle. All drop hands with corners and retire with partners. All women dance LS around partners.
33-40 1C and 3C dance a reel of four across the set, women passing RS and men casting into partners’ places to start.
41-48 2C and 4C repeat bars 33-40.
49-56 All turn partners LH halfway to end women facing out and men facing in. All set. All turn partners LH to end men taking right hands in the center and nearer hands with partners to form a spoked wheel.
57-64 All advance halfway, then set and link with partners to change places.
65-72 All advance halfway, then set and turn away from partners to original places facing partners.
73-80 All dance grand chain halfway, 1 bar per pass. All dance RS to RS with partners (gypsy) in 4 bars to face the way they came.
81-88 All dance grand chain halfway, 1 bar per pass and starting LH and passing partners at the end. All set to partners and turn RH to original places.
89-96 Circle 8 hands round and back.
This dance is written for Doug Jensen, in honor of his 70th birthday October 18, 2010.
Suggested music is Nottingham Lace from Highlander Music Vol. 2