The Magic Dishpan
by Sue McKinnell 4x32 Strathspey for 4C
(Square Set)
1-8 All dance a grand chain, ending in original places.
9-16 1C & 3C set advancing, turn the person opposite once round opening into a circle left once round, breaking early enough to end in original places. (Men lead out to original places.)
17-24 All dance interlocking rights and lefts: 1C & 3C dance rights and lefts as normal across and back. 2C & 4C begin by changing places RH with partners, then changing places across the set with the person opposite LH, change places RH with partners, and change places across the set LH.
25-28 2C & 4C dance LH across once round, ending in original places.
29-32 All chase 1 place CCW and set. End 2, 3, 4, 1.
Suggested music is Old School Strathspey from Green Ginger’s 12 Scottish Country Dances by Mervyn Short.
In The Lost Princess of Oz, Cayke the Cookie Cook has her magic dishpan stolen. Ugu the shoemaker uses it to steal the all the magic he can from the inhabitants of Oz (including Ozma of Oz).