Black Powder Rifle
by Sue McKinnell 5x32 Reel for 5C
(Set Dance)
1-8 1C dance parallel figures of eight on the sides down around 2C & 3C, 1W passing 2W RS, 1M passing 2M RS to start. Meanwhile, 5C dance parallel figures of eight on the sides up around 4C & 3C, 5W passing 4W RS, 5M passing 4M RS to start. 1W & 5M end facing out.
9-12 1W followed by 1M cast one place and across the set as 2C step up WHILE 5M followed by 5W cast up one place and across the set as 4C step down. End in the order 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 with 1C & 5C on opposite sides.
13-16 1C & 5C turn partners LH 1½ to own sides.
17-24 1W up with 2C, 5M down with 4C, 1M & 5W with 3C RHA. 1C & 5C pass partners RS into 1M up with 2C, 5W down with 4C, 1W & 5M with 3C LHA. 1C & 5C end on own sides.
25-32 All cross RH. 1C & 3C change LH on the sides. All cross RH. 1C & 5C change LH on the sides. Ending order is 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.
Repeat 5 times.
Suggested music is 5X32 Reels from Gang on the Same Gate by Green Ginger.
This dance is written for my sister Becky, who likes to go to rendezvous and owns and can shoot a black powder rifle.