9 Pin Bowling
by Sue McKinnell 1X64 Medley for 9
9 people in 3 rows and 3 columns
  People are arranged as follows (nominally 6 women and 3 men)
1-8 Mx turn WBx BH once round then turn WAx BH once round.
9-16 WAx and WBx set, dance around Mx LS, and set.
17-24 Mx dance around WBx RS, down behind WB column and up M column ending in reversed order.
25-32 Mx dance around WAx LS, down behind WA column and up M column ending in original order.
33-40 All clap and M circle left with WB once round (6 bars) and M set pulling RS back to face WAx.
41-48 M circle left with WA once round (6 bars) and M set, M1 and M3 pulling RS back and all M advancing to end M1 LH with WB1 and RH with WB2, M3 LH with WB2 and RH with WB3, and M2 LH with WA3 and RH with WA1. (double triangles formation with WA2 standing alone)
49-56 All set, then all M set pulling RS back while all W set. End M1 RH with WA1 and LH with WA2, M3 RH with WA2 and LH with WA3, and M2 LH with WB1 and RH with WB3. WB2 is standing alone. All set, then all set turning to face down in lines of 3 across.
57-64 All dance down and back, ending fanned out for a bow/curtsey.
This dance was written as a simpler attempt to fill a need for a demo where there are many more women available than men.